Over 60 babies are born every day in the delivery rooms of Shaare Zedek Medical Center, over 22,000 babies a year. Dr. Aharon Tevet, Head of the Delivery Rooms in Shaare Zedek explains, “Childbirth is a natural and healthy process which typically requires support and little intervention. We try to intervene only when necessary and we do everything to create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere in our delivery rooms. We view the couple as a unit and want them to experience the birth the way they want…sometimes, unexpectedly, complex situations arise when our experienced, professional staff needs to become more involved. Our delivery teams are trained to identify these exceptional situations and to work in an expedient fashion to ensure the best outcome.
Over the years, this approach has been very successful and has led to extraordinary results—our success rate for delivery of twins vaginally, our high rate of vaginal deliveries among women who have previously had one or more cesarean sections,… Shaare Zedek is proud to have one of the lowest rates of cesarean sections in Israel, while maintaining the highest levels of safety on an Israeli and international standard… ”
Our delivery staff tries to be sensitive to the many women who want to experience the delivery even if they need a cesarean section. Shaare Zedek offers a “gentle cesarean section” where the parents can watch as their baby comes out and even a sterile sleeve that enables the mother to touch the baby as the baby is born. Once the baby has been delivered, the staff encourages the mom to hold the baby, skin-to-skin and to nurse the baby.
Recently, five delivery rooms were added which have been outfitted for a variety of different childbirth approaches. In addition, surgical suites with the leading medical devices were built right near the delivery rooms and new pain management options are available as well.
Ms. Hava Haham, the director of the delivery room nursing staff shared, “the expectant mothers of the 21st century come to the hospital well prepared for childbirth. They look forward to the birth experience they dreamed of. Most of our midwives have taken courses in natural childbirth as well as relaxation techniques… All of the delivery rooms at Shaare Zedek accommodate women wishing to experience natural birth.
Each woman chooses the delivery she wants and she can receive assistance with pain management using laughing gas, acupuncture, relaxation techniques as well as an epidural. Each woman in labor is assigned an anesthesiologist and an additional anesthesiologist is available at all times. Expectant mothers are offered yoga and relaxation techniques already in the waiting area, during delivery and in the maternity ward (at no extra cost)…We also encourage the partner (or whomever accompanies the expectant mother) to hold the baby skin-to-skin. In addition, if coordinated in advance, the mother can have someone stay with her in the maternity ward overnight to help her take care of the baby.
All of the changes we have made in the delivery experience at Shaare Zedek Medical Center are the result of feedback and advice we have received and a strong desire to ensure that each delivery is safe and fulfills the dreams of the expectant mother. For us, the sky is not the limit. ”
Please read this article (in Hebrew) for additional details.