For the past 17 years Prof. Ofer Merin, the Director General of Shaare Zedek Medical Center, has been the Commander of the I.D.F. Field Hospital which, under his leadership, was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the first Level-3 (the highest level) field hospital in the world. Last week, Prof. Merin, five other members of the staff from Shaare Zedek and other reservists were invited to the 6th Israeli International Conference on Preparedness and Response to Emergencies and Disasters to demonstrate the I.D.F. Field Hospital best practices for setting-up field hospitals and providing treatment under extreme circumstances.
The conference, organized by the Israeli Ministry of Health and the Home Front Command brought together emergency and disaster response experts from 30 countries around the world to share the latest findings and recommendations concerning health system readiness for disasters and emergencies.
Thank you to the group from Shaare Zedek for representing Israel in this important effort to help countries around the world prepare for such situations.
In the photo: (From left to right)
-Prof. Ofer Merin, Director General of Shaare Zedek Medical Center and a Colonel in the Reserves who is the Commander of the I.D.F. Field Hospital
-Dr. Avi Alpert, a Senior Physician in our Department of Emergency Medicine and a Major in the Reserves who is the Medical Director of the Field Hospital Emergency Department
-Nurse Deganit Kobliner-Friedman, a Senior Nurse in our Department of Emergency Medicine and the Nurse Coordinator for Resusitation and a Captain in the Reserves who is the Head Nurse of the Field Hospital Emergency Department
-Nurse Naama Bagrish, Head Nurse in our Department of Emergency Medicine and a Professional Academic Officer in the Reserves who is a nurse in the Field Hospital Emergency Department
-Dr. Nehemiah Bloomberg, Deputy Director General for Medicine in Shaare Zedek and a Lieutenant Colonel in the Reserves who is the Deputy Commander of the I.D.F. Field Hospital