Please note regarding the links below—the English article does not mention Prof. Bornstein, in the Hebrew article he is quoted.
BrainQ Technologies, a start-up that Prof. Natan Bornstein, the director and coordinator of our Helmsley Neurological Center, who is also the Vice President of the World Stroke Organization, has been working with for several years, has been selected to become one of the first four companies (from around the world) to join Google Launchpad Startup Space (Launchpad Studio).
BrainQ Technologies medical devices integrated with artificial intelligence to help stroke victims and people who cannot walk due to a spinal or brain injury to regain independent motor skills.
Prof. Bornstein explained, “The ability to guide and enhance the connectivity between nerve cells in the different systems in the brain is, in essence, the big challenge for neuroscience…As someone working with the company for the past several years, the technology that BrainQ is developing has the potential to address one of the biggest and most upsetting problems of the human brain, with implications on a wide variety of neurological problems.”
“Launchpad Studio is the accelerator engine of Google…We’re focused on machine learning startups, we …want to bridge the gap between healthcare and the frontier tech industry because there’s a lot of promise but general skepticism about the role AI and machine learning will play.” explained Malika Cantor the Program Manager for Launchpad Studio.
These startups, receive “equity-free support,” which includes access to Google mentors, connections with the community and testing environments for prototyping.
The Marker (Hebrew): Click Here
Health Care IT News (English): Click Here