Contact Us

We have offices in Toronto (head) office and Montreal. Below is a list of staff who are happy to assist you.
Rafi Yablonsky
National Executive Director
T: 647-449-6342 E:ryablonsky@hospitalwithaheart.ca
Rochelle Tessler
Senior Director, Events & Communication
T:416-986-6772 E: rtessler@hospitalwithaheart.ca
Laura Adler
Development Associate
T: 416- 781- 3584 ext 101 E:ladler@hospitalwithaheart.ca

620 Wilson Avenue,
Unit 101,
Toronto, ON, M3K 1Z3
Fax: 416.781.6439
Charitable Registration Number:
10686 6718 RR0001
National Office
Rachel Wolf, Chief Executive Officer
Email: rwolf@acsz.org
Phone: 212-764-8116
55 W. 39th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212-354-8801
Fax: 212-391-2674
Email: national@acsz.org
Midwest Region
Jessica Rine
6600 North Lincoln Ave,
Ste. 314
Lincolnwood, IL 60712
Phone: 847-410-0340
Fax: 847-410-0344
Email: MidWestRegion@acsz.org
Southeast Region
Deborah S. Gold
Director of Development
Email: dgold@acsz.org
3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd, Suite 200
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Phone: 954-571-2446
Fax: 954-571-2419
Email: SouthEastRegion@acsz.org
West Coast Region
Paul Jeser
National Director of Major Gifts
Email: pjeser@acsz.org
8671 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 712
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: 310-229-0915
Fax: 310-788-2824
Email: WesternRegion@acsz.org
Northwest Region
Jonathan Friedman
2625 Middlefield Road, Box 581 Palo Alto, CA 94306
Paul Jeser
Phone: 310-229-0915
Email: pjeser@acsz.org
Email: NorthWestRegion@acsz.org
Northeast Region
Morrie Libman, Director of Major Gifts
55 W. 39th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212-764-8060
Email: mlibman@acsz.org
Uri Schwarz
Shaare Zedek Medical Center
PO Box 3235
Jerusalem Israel 91031
Phone: 02-666-6622
Email: pr@szmc.org.il
766 Finchley Rd., Ground Floor
Temple Fortune, London NW11 7PE
United Kingdom
Phone: 44-208-201-8933
Fax: 44-208-201-8935
Email: office@shaarezedek.org.uk
2 Lockerbie Crt.
East St. Kilda, Melbourne, Vic 3183
Phone: 61-3-9527-6247
Fax: 61-3-9527-1203
Email: agarfield@bigblue.net.au