Initial findings from a study performed in Shaare Zedek’s Pulmonary Institute show that at least 50% of people who were diagnosed with the coronavirus continue to feel overall fatigue and breathing difficulties weeks, even months after they have recuperated. Most of the participants in the study have not returned to how they felt before becoming ill.
The study examined several dozen patients who had mild, medium and severe cases of the coronavirus. The results indicate that half of those who had contracted the disease are still suffering from some symptoms regardless of how severe their original symptoms had been. Some patients who had mild cases of the disease seem to be suffering from long term lung damage while some patients who had severe cases of coronavirus do not complain of ongoing issues.
The next phase of this study will include testing several hundred people who suffered from the coronavirus. In addition, all of the participants will be examined six months after their initial exam for this study.
Prof. Gabriel Izbicki, Director of Shaare Zedek Medical Center’s Pulmonary Institute explains, “Among the symptoms we examined, we found general weakness in most subjects. Some complained of coughing and/or shortness of breath, occurrence of fibrosis,pulmonary embolism, obstructive disorder and suspected pulmonary hypertension. We conducted comprehensive tests in order to prevent these symptoms from getting worse and in an effort to address the issues early.